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Весь контент alo

  1. Hi, I got it working on windows but I still have to try quite a lot before it connects, it often fail at the 'GameServer' step. For Linux, I work on it everyday so it's not a problem for me. You used wine to get it to work ? I had WSS and WP started + walker patched however WP did not seems to be able to edit the packets to make it work.
  2. Hi, So WSS patches walker, everything is fine. (Yes everything is launched as admin) However the problem seems to be with WP I get this error message
  3. Hi, In the past, I had L2Walker OOG working on windows 10. The main problem was WP667f that was not 'patching' packet but after playing a little bit with it, it worked. I am trying to come back and now it doesn't work anymore. Can anyone explain me what WP667f do in details ? and WSS as well ? While searching on the forum I also found someone running l2walker on linux ?! I am also interested. Regards, Alokhan
  4. Hi, I have some trouble in Pagan temple, multiple times a party member got teleported to the Pagan temple entry while fighting in a Pagan temple room. I have done the quest only on the WC is it the reason ? All my party member are using OOG Walker. Regards, Alo Got the answer by myself
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