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  1. not sure your ever going to have a brain, at least I learn from my mistakes, you seem determined to dig your own hole so deep you can't come out, and who knows maybe even jump in and afterword call a friend to help put the dirt back on
  2. just because your wear your stupidity as a badge of honor doesn't make you less digusting...it actually makes it worse! At least i know how to be the bigger man and apologies when I act out of knowledge, unlike you! as soon as admin comes online I'll know for sure what kind of man he is...left him a private regarding your behavior and the fact that he hasn't taken any action against it!
  3. and on top of calling out other people stupid your prove and prove again your the one being so, I didn't insult your parent you moron, learn how to read "OneFinal you piece of trash, you should call your parents stupid for giving birth to you" anyone with eyes, would see that i insulted you by calling you a piece of trash, and TOLD you to call your parents stupid 💩 💩 💩 <- you buddy
  4. this only proves your a piece of shit with eyes. 💩
  5. we'll see in the next few hours who is the dum dum, but for now go back to crafting ssc and bssc that's your forte buddy. and leave the big topics and decisions to the grown ups!
  6. so OneFinal doesn't get chat ban on forum for calling me stupid but I get chat ban for calling him out? How is not discrimination? How is that not discrimination? thank's but too little to late, found another area where mobs where what they should be and managed to lvl up!
  7. I would like to recant my statement about you being discriminating, I did not know if posts had link or pictures I would have to wait for you to approve it. I might not know all things but I do know that you should get chat ban for swearing and badgering other members, and I would like to point that out to admin. And just for your information I'm not Greek. And your prejudice shows your racist as well, so next time either try to be helpful or keep it to yourself, don't call others stupid. @Adminsince when is allowed to swear at other people?...because if that's the case,
  8. Thanks fanmag, I was looking for something like this to prove my point beyond the fact that the name of the mobs implies that they are undead! Don't understand what you said but thx for the links!
  9. I don't THINK it should be undead, IT SHOULD BE UNDEAD, the mobs names are your biggest indicator, Ghost of a Loyal Vassal , Ghost of a General...the proof is in the pudding, buddy. Also, question, why I am restricted from posting without your approval, also most people I play with, NOT RUSSIANS are also restricted from posting without your approval. This is discrimination, if you didn't know, (maybe you didn't), IT'S against the LAW, even in your country! You made this server international, so If you wanted only Russian players you should have bought the domain in Russia, and not ad
  10. Hi, I went to Crypts of Disgrace today to level up a support class only to find to my great dislike and wonder that the mobs there are not undead and I cannot use Disrupt Undead skill on them! https://ibb.co/Mgpw2HY Can you please fix this! Thank you!
  11. Thank you for your reply, can you please provide us with a direct link so we can verify this, thx.
  12. And why is that not mentioned in the server info? I think I speak for all who are on this server, and when we look at a site that supports three different kind of servers(and the only written difference is the x), they would assume they have the same default setting except the amount of xp and sp, unless it has been otherwise specified in the server info!
  13. The fact that you told me off by saying that the info I provided is not accurate, still that doesn't disculpate you from providing evidence for substantiating your claim, that you have info supporting it's supposed to be random and for just one party member to have a cry lelved up. Can you please provide that evidence so we are all at peace with what you claimed.
  14. Are we still talking about augments here or something else entirely? Augments are augments, the only difference between servers should only be the amount of xp and sp you get, I think and am firmly convinced all would agree on this! Also how did the buffer even come into consideration in this discussion (no one made any mention of it), and how is that in any measure related to the augments? The bigger question at this point I'm guessing that might be on anyone who might have been reading this thread would be, where did you mention this in the "Full Server Info" thread? As
  15. Does that mean that x7 has improved cooldowns on augments because it's x7 or x10? If that is the case this means that servers don't just differ in xp and sp boost. What the hell, other than the xp you get from killing and spoiling all should be the same. Why so many differences?
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