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Весь контент Zidan

  1. Hello this mob in Valley of saint is bugged and doesnt drop anything except herb so its pretty hard to drop DC gloves rec. If mob change (id 21658) it has normal drop list but most of the time he doesnt change so you are killing just an empty mob without any chance to get recipe or anything else. Is it possible to fix it?
  2. hello is this quest here set as party quest (everyone getting Quest items) or its better to have it only on one character in party? thanks
  3. I have few questions. 1) is it possible to disable autoloot somehow? I didnt see this option anywhere and I would like to disable it and setup pickup from one character only so I dont need to clear inventory of multiple characters 2) how does premium acc work here? Do I need to deal most ammount of damage to mob in order to get premium bonus or is it just last hit? If I have premium on spoiler does he need to deal most dmg/last hit mob to get spoil bonus or it doesnt matter? Premium acc affect raid boss drops rate as well? 3) In changelog I found that you can edit some file (l2.
  4. Hello is there a possibility to play on the server with original Interlude interface instead the one you are having in your patch? Game feels a bit laggy after playing for some time and I am trying to figure out why. So far only difference from previous server I found is different interface so I would like to check it but when I tryed to use old one I cannot log in
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